Toilet Seat Confessions: MTA is garbage.
It’s less of a confession, and more of a fact of life. I guarantee the 8.5 million residents of New York City would wholeheartedly agree. Garbage typically smells like shit, and doesn’t move anywhere. So I would say the analogy is pretty much on point. Oh I forgot, MTA raises their prices to astronomical amounts ($121.00/monthly fare), and then never fixes their issues. So maybe comparing MTA to garbage is a slight on the latter. I’m sorry but if I were paying $121 a month to be an hour late for work everyday, I’d like for someone to be held accountable. So I said fuck it. I went out of my way to find a job in my borough just so I never have to depend on a train or bus. I no longer deal with the ironically named “Metropolitan Transportation Authority.” These days I walk to work. So to those who have no choice but to use MTA, I raise a glass in solidarity. Safe travels (good luck with that.)